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Wasabi Bucket Replication
Fast, Easy and Economical Bulk Transfer Appliance

Wasabi Bucket Replication

Copy data from a storage bucket in one Wasabi region to a bucket in another Wasabi region of the same continent

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What is Bucket Replication?

Bucket Replication is a feature of Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager that allows customers to copy objects from a storage bucket in a specific Wasabi region to different bucket in another Wasabi region of the same continent. This is ideal for adding an extra layer of data protection, meeting compliance and sovereignty requirements, or minimizing latency.

Bucket replication between Wasabi regions with Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager is a no cost service for Wasabi customers. Replication of buckets between Wasabi regions only incurs the cost of the additional storage. There are no network transfer costs and no API request charges. 

Why use Wasabi Bucket Replication?

There are a few reasons for keeping extra copies of data. The first, of course, is to prevent its loss. While the destruction of an entire data center due to fire, flood, terrorism, or earthquake are extremely rare, it is possible. So, it’s generally worth having a separate copy of the data in a different location.

Another reason to utilize Wasabi’s bucket replication capability is to maximize data availability. Entire data centers or storage regions can go offline for several hours per year under common service-level agreements (SLAs). The causes can stem from power outages, maintenance, or interruptions in the Internet service to the building. For data such as backups, being offline a few hours, a year may not be a problem. But if the idea of data being unavailable to users for several hours is completely unacceptable, then replicating your data to another Wasabi storage region makes sense. You can provide automatic failover if the primary storage region is offline. With two storage regions and automatic replication between them, downtime can be reduced to seconds per year on average.

Additionally, replicating data across two storage regions also provides the option of accessing data from the location that provides the faster response time. For example, a common data replication strategy is to have data centers in separate regions of the country or continent. Customers will get faster response times from the storage region that is closest to them.

Data Protection

  • Avoid accidental data loss
  • Protect against geographical outages
  • Keep a “golden copy” of data preserved while granting access to copies

Data Compliance

  • Meet governmental requirements for data protection
  • Adhere to industry standards for data replication

Minimize Latency

  • Maintain additional copies in regions closer to users

Wasabi Bucket Replication

Bucket replication is a feature of Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager. Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager’s single administrative interface provides users customizable dashboards. It’s intuitive user interface makes it easy to configure storage parameters, set up workflows and move data between storage buckets to optimize protection, and performance. It is designed using serverless compute, automation services, and auto scaling mechanisms that allow for replicating files, objects, and buckets at the highest speeds possible.

Once you have your data replication policies configured, all newly added objects in the source bucket will be synchronously copied to the designated destination bucket in the storage region of your choice within the continent. Wasabi customers with existing buckets they wish to replicate should contact their Wasabi representative.

Bucket replication between Wasabi regions with Wasabi Cloud Sync Manager is a no cost service for Wasabi customers. Replication of buckets between Wasabi regions only incurs the cost of the additional storage. There are no network transfer costs and no API request charges. Those charges, plus potentially other costs such as minimum object size requirements, and object overhead charges can make replicating buckets within other cloud storage services much more expensive than Wasabi.

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