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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage
Fast, Easy and Economical Bulk Transfer Appliance

Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 50TB for 1 Year


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Sometimes having your head in the clouds makes a lot of sense.

Compare Storing 100 TB for 5 years

Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage makes buying cloud storage a natural addition to your on-premises storage. If you are thinking about buying more hardware storage compare the price against 5 years of Reserved Capacity Storage.

You can purchase cloud storage in 1, 3 or 5 year increments and achieve greater discounts for term and capacity.

Convert Your Pay-as-you-go Account Today

If you are an existing pay-as-you-go customer it is simple to transition your account to Reserved Capacity storage. If you’d rather not pay month to month you can purchase a set amount of storage for a certain period of time and achieve greater discounts for term and capacity.

Choose the pricing and payment model that best fits your business with pay-as-you-go or Reserved Capacity Storage Options.

No matter which model you choose, Wasabi hot cloud storage is enterprise class, low cost, high performance cloud object storage with no fees for egress or API requests and no complex storage tiers. Your business may be unpredictable, but your data costs shouldn’t be.

Go Cloud Your Way

Just because you are migrating some of your data to the cloud doesn’t mean that all of your data will be 100% off-site. Cloud storage is ideal for a variety of applications:

  • Primary storage for on premises or cloud-based workloads
  • Secondary storage for backup and recovery
  • Archival storage for long term data retention

This versatility protects and extends previous storage infrastructure investments, allowing you to migrate to the cloud on your own terms.

Compare Wasabi's Pricing Options Pay-As-You-Go Storage Reserved Capacity Storage
Price per TB $5.99/month Discounts off pay-as-you-go based on term and capacity
Capacity Ranges 1 TB to no limit 25 TB to no limit
in fixed increments
Contract Terms Credit Card 1, 3, or 5 year invoice
Payment Terms Payment every 30 days Payment up front
Support Plan Basic Premium

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage (RCS)?

Reserved Capacity Storage allows you to purchase storage capacity up front for a period of 1, 3 or 5 year terms.

Why buy Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage (RCS)?

Reserved Capacity Storage helps you save money by committing to a period of 1, 3 or 5 year plans for cloud storage capacity. Committing allows you to get a discount on the storage you use. RCS can significantly reduce your storage costs up to 27% on pay-as-you-go prices.

Many organizations are not able to or would rather not use a credit card for monthly cloud service charges. Wasabi RCS allows you the flexibility to prepay for cloud storage up front with a purchase order.

Wasabi RCS offers predictable storage costs. With RCS you only pay for the storage that is reserved. There are no charges for data egress, API requests, or data retrieval. There is no need to put a credit card on file with Wasabi for monthly operations and data transfer fees.

What are the storage capacity options?

You can purchase RCS in units of 50 TB, 100 TB, 250 TB, 500 TB, 1 PB, 1.5 PB, 5 PB, and 10 PB. Custom quotes for any option greater than 50 TB can be developed - please contact your Wasabi Sales Rep and request a custom quote

How do discounts apply to storage capacities?

When you purchase RCS, the discount applies to the storage capacity that you reserve. The larger the capacity and the longer the reserve duration, the larger the discount.

I’m an MSP or VAR; can I offer RCS to my end customers?

Yes, Wasabi RCS can be purchased through authorized Wasabi partners including MSPs and VARs who have signed up to sell the service. If you are already a member of the Wasabi Partner Network, you can find more detailed information by logging into the Wasabi Partner Portal. If you are not yet a partner, contact Wasabi Sales for more info.

Pricing Notes:

Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage
Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage - 1 Year
Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 50TB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 100TB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 250TB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 500TB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1000TB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1PB for 1 Year
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage - 3 Years
Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 50TB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 100TB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 250TB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 500TB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1000TB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1PB for 3 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage - 5 Years
Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 50TB for 5 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 100TB for 5 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 250TB for 5 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 500TB for 5 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1000TB for 5 Years
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Wasabi Reserved Capacity Hot Cloud Storage - 1PB for 5 Years
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